Kelly Whaley-Martin, Stephanie Marshall, Tara E Colenbrander Nelson, Lauren Twible, Chad V Jarolimek, Josh J King, Simon C Apte, Lesley A Warren. 2020. A Mass-Balance Tool for Monitoring Potential Dissolved Sulfur Oxidation Risks in Mining Impacted Waters. Mine Water and the Environment. (published online on March 19 2020)
Camacho D, Frazao R, Fouillen A, Nanci A, Lang BF, Apte SC, Baron C and Warren LA (2020) New Insights Into Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans Sulfur Metabolism Through Coupled Gene Expression, Solution Chemistry, Microscopy, and Spectroscopy Analyses. Front. Microbiol. 11:411. https://doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00411 (published on 13 March 2020)
Basem Al-Shayeb et al. 2020. Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems. Nature. Vol. 578, 7795: 425-431. Published online Feb 12 2020.
Lin-Xing Chen, Raphael Meheust, Alexander Crits-Christoph, Katherine D McMahon, Tara Colenbrander Nelson, Lesley A Warren, Jill Banfield (2020) Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation. bioRxiv Posted on February 14, 2020.
Camacho, D.M., G.L. Jessen, J.F. Mori, S.C. Apte, C. Jarolimek, and L.A. Warren. pH dependent shift from Alphaproteobacteria to Gammaproteobacteria signals the initiation of AMD conditions in mining wastewaters. Accepted for publication – April 25th 2020 status – accepted pending revisions. Mine Water and Environment.
Whaley-Martin, K.; Jessen, G. L.; Nelson, T. C.; Mori, J. F.; Apte, S.; Jarolimek, C.; Warren, L. A. The Potential Role of Halothiobacillus spp. in Sulfur Oxidation and Acid Generation in Circum-Neutral Mine Tailings Reservoirs. Front. Microbiol. 2019, 10 (297).
Chen L-X, Zhao Y, McMahon KD, Mori JF, Jessen GL, Nelson TC, Warren LA, Banfield JF. 2019. Wide distribution of phage that infect freshwater SAR11 bacteria. mSystems4: e00410-19. .00410-19
Conference Participations
Gordon, J., Nelson, T.C., Whaley-Martin, K., Kumar, S., Bozzo, A., Twible, L. (2020) Constraining Sulphur Speciation Flux Rates in Closed Mine Water Mesocosms. 34th Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 7-9 2020.
Marshall, S. Warren, L. A. (2020) The Chronic Toxicity of Nitrate to Sensitive Aquatic Inverebrates when Exposed to Low Calcium and Chloride Waters. 34th Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 7-9 2020.
Whaley-Martin, K.J., Colenbrander Nelson, T., Warren, L.A. Deciphering Aquatic Microbiomes of Mine Tailing Reservoirs from an Ecological Genomics Perspective. 34th Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 7-9 2020.
Twible, L., Arrey, J., Whaley-Martin, K.J., Colenbrander Nelson, T., Warren, L.A. (2020) Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria Genetic and Geochemical Time Series Across Four Canadian Base Metal Min Tailings Reservoirs. 34th Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 7-9 2020.
Kumar, S., Whaley-Martin, K.J., Colenbrander Nelson, T., Warren, L.A. (2020) The Influence of Metal Extraction Chemicals on Sulfur Oxidizing Consortia and Associated Sulfur Cycling in laboratory Enrichment Experiments. 34th Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 7-9 2020.
Whaley-Martin, K J., T.C. Nelson, S.C. Apte, C. Jarolimek and L.A. Warren. Who controls the water? Halothiobacillus spp. in sulfur oxidation and acid generation in mine tailing reservoirs. Mining and the Environment International Conference. June 23-28th 2019, Sudbury, ON.
Warren, L.A. K.J. Whaley-Martin and T.C. Nelson. Using genomics to engineer smarter mines: sulfur compound management, Mining Wastewater Lunch ‘n’ Learn, Glencore Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations (mill and environment personnel; 30 attendees). Oct 24th, 2019 Onaping ON.
Warren, L.A. and S. Neault (Hudbay Minerals). Genomics and Mining: The mining wastewater solutions project Strategic Policy Division, Energy, Northern Development and Mines (ON government). Dec 5th, 2019 Toronto, ON (invited participant).
Sarah Barabash (EcoMetrix), Elizabeth Haack (Ecometrix), Brent Murphy (Seabridge Gold), and Warren, L.A. (U of Toronto) (2019) Workshop: Navigate the Mine Life Cycle with Environmental Intelligence. PDAC, Saturday Feb 29th, 2019; Toronto, ON. Warren participated in day long short course, providing a 45 minute presentation on when and how to bring university research into mine environmental management (25 industry participants).
Warren, L.A. Panelist for Newlab Virtual: Transformative Technology Applied to Mining, Prospect Mining Studio, April 28th, 2020 Newlab webinar.
Warren, L.A. keynote panellist on “innovating the CEO’s agenda” at Future of Mining Americas 2019. Oct 21 2019. Denver, CO. USA.
Warren, L.A. “Research done differently; the MWS project”, The progressive mining forum, Northern Miner, Oct 16, 2019. Toronto ON.
Warren, L.A. Mining waste environments: globally significant and growing biogeochemical hotspots. University of Waterloo Water Institute, WaterTalk INVITED. March 14 2019.
Warren L.A, Feb 2019. Mining waste environments: globally significant and growing biogeochemical hotspots. Public lecture, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth, AU INVITED.
Whaley-Martin, K.; Jessen, G. L.; Nelson, T. C.; Mori, J. F.; Apte, S.; Jarolimek, C.; Warren, L. A. (2019) The Potential Role of Halothiobacillus spp . in Sulfur Oxidation and Acid Generation in Circum-Neutral Mine Tailings Reservoirs. 33rd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 8-10 2019. Gananoque, Ontario.
Twible, L.E., Arrey, J., Whaley-Martin, K.J., Colenbrander Nelson, T., Warren, L. A., Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria and Associated Sulfur Cycling in Enrichments from Four Circumneutral Mine Tailings Impoundments. 33rd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 8-10 2019. Gananoque, Ontario.
Gordon, J., Warren, L. A. (2019) Defining Microbial Sulphur Cycling in Mine Wastewater. 33rd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 8-10 2019. Gananoque, Ontario.
Camacho, D. and Warren, L. (2018) Assessing Thiosalt Sulfur Geochemistry in Mining Systems via microbial enrichment mesocosms. 32nd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 2-4 2018. Gananoque, Ontario.
Whaley-Martin, K., Warren, L. (2018) A Cross-Mine Comparison of Sulfur Geochemistry in Mining Waste-Waters. 32nd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 2-4 2018. Gananoque, Ontario.
Nelson, T.C., Warren, L. (2018) A Preliminary Investigation of Microbial Communities within the Waste Water Management System of a Base Metal Mine. 32nd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 2-4 2018. Gananoque, Ontario.
Twible, L., Warren, L. (2018) Integrated Geochemical, Isotopic and Metagenomic Characterization of Microbial Controls on Sulfur Cycling in Mining Wastewaters. 32nd Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 2-4 2018. Gananoque, Ontario.
Warren, L. 2018. Creating a microbial tool box for the mining industry, Toronto Geological Society – Discussion Group. Jan 2018. Toronto ON.
Warren, L.A., J.F. Banfield, S. Apte and C. Baron. 2018. Proof of principle: tailings management needs genomics informed chemical understanding. Society for Mineral, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), February 2018, Minneapolis, US.
Marshall, S., Bennett, D., Colenbrander Nelson, T., and Warren, L.A. (2015) Seasonal and Operationally Linked Sulphur Geochemical Characterization of a Mine Oxidation Reservoir and Its Inputs. Oral presentation at the International Sudbury Mining and Environment International Conference. Sudbury, Ontario. June 20th – 25th, 2015.
Marshall, S., Bennett, D., Colenbrander Nelson, T., and Warren, L.A. (2015) Seasonal and Operationally Linked Sulphur Geochemical Characterization of Mine Wastewater: Towards Bacterially Informed Management Strategies. Oral presentation at the Canadian Land Reclamation Association – Ontario Land Reclamation Symposium. Marathon, Ontario. September 1st – 2nd, 2015.
Marshall, S., Bennett, D., Colenbrander Nelson, T., Fyfe, J., and Warren, L.A. (2016). Seasonal and Operationally Linked Sulphur Geochemical Characterization of a Mine Oxidation Reservoir and its Inputs. Oral presentation at the National Annual Canadian Land Reclamation Association Conference. Timmins, Ontario. June 26th – 29th, 2016.
Camacho, D. and Warren, L. (2017) Understanding Important Sulfur Dynamics in Mining Systems via Biogeochemistry. Oral Presentation. 31st Annual Gananoque Science and Engineering Conference. February 3rd-5th 2017. Gananoque, Ontario.
David Camacho, Rodolfo Frazao, Aurélien Fouillen, Antonio Nanci, Franz Lang, Simon C. Apte, Christian Baron and Lesley A. Warren. 2017. New insights into Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans sulfur metabolism through coordinated assessment of sulfur gene expression and solution geochemistry. 23rd International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry. Hotel Grand Chancellor Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia. From 25 September 2017 to 29 September 2017. Oral Presentation
Lesley Warren (speaker), Jill Banfield, Simon Apte, and Christian Baron. 2017. Creating a Microbial Toolbox for the Mining Industry. Keynote address at the University of Queensland, September 22 2017.
Lesley Warren (speaker), Jill Banfield, Simon Apte, and Christian Baron. 2017. Mining Waste Environments: Globally Significant Growing Biogeochemical Hotspots. Keynote address. Cairns, Australia, Sept 26 2017.
Lesley Warren. 2017. One water: You can’t drink money. Invited speaker at the President’s Circle Talk. University of Toronto. October 23 2017.
Lesley Warren (speaker), Jill Banfield, Simon Apte, and Christian Baron. 2017. Proof of principle: how genomics can innovate mining environmental management. Invited speaker at 24th Annual British Columbia-MEND ML/ARD Workshop. November 30th 2017.
Jill Banfield (speaker, V.M. Goldschmidt Award winner 2017). Karthik Anantharaman, Peter Andeer, Tyler Arbour, Christopher Brown, David Burstein, Cindy Castelle, Spencer Diamond, Sirine Fakra, Mary Firestone, Benjamin Gilbert, Robert Hettich, Susan Hubbard, Rose Kantor, Adi Lavy, Paula Matheus Carnevali, Trent Northen, Chongle Pan, Alexander Probst, Evan Starr, Brian Thomas, Lesley Warren, Ken Williams. 2017. Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry. Goldschmidt 2017. August 17 2017. Paris, France.